Friday, May 18, 2007

What's in a name?

Shakespeare raised a premise but then he was working with Italian names and they sound so lyrical and lovely. Someone could be cussing me out in Italian and as longed as they smiled and used a proper tone I would think that they were complimenting me.

"What's in a name?" Here is where I must break ranks with the bard because I comprehend a lot in a name. Take one of my favorite authors for example...C.S. Lewis. Before I knew what those initials stood for I imagined all sorts of things: Charles Stevens, Claude Stewart but definitely NOT Clive Staples. What were his parents thinking? No wonder he used his initials.

Alas, but there are crueler names to pass down to posterity. Could you picture Paris Hilton as a Bertha? Would Will Smith work as a Buford? How about Cary Grant as Archibald Leach? Ah, but here's the rub...Cary Grant's real birth name was Archibald Leach, so I must not be the only one who comprehends a lot in a name.

Now I am not a parent, but I have enough fear of God that I would never name a boy, say for instance, Wilbur or a daughter Hephzibah. So parents be kind to your yet unborn children and consider that they must wear those names the rest of their lives.

Names such as Bertha, Buford and Beulah should not even be mentioned in baby name books.
Oh, and I forgot to mention Horatio. It worked for naval heroes two hundred years ago but people today might consider it obscene, unless of course the man happened to look like Ioan Gruffudd. If you haven't a clue who the actor is, rent Amazing Grace and you'll understand perfectly who I mean.


Rebecca said...

Ha! The task of choosing my children's names was a little intimidating. Some of the names out there today are just insane. Celebrities especially. Some of the wacky ones I've recently heard of are Pilot Inspektor, Rebel, Rocket, Racer and Rogue oh and another one - Audio Science I think?. I was almost a Stephanie which is odd because most of the Stephanie's I've met so far I haven't liked. Oh and I was totally surprised by Cary Grant's real name when I saw a special about him. Think he would have been so popular if he was known as Archibald Leach? Oh and one more. There was a kid in a class I took at community college whose name was Cain. ?

hrpeters said...

And if the parents are really cruel they would have named him Raising Cain.

Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...

I read your post 'Masterpiece' but it doesn't have the option to comment so I'm commenting on this one. Great post. I can relate to the self criticism. Someone once told me that doing that was like saying that I knew better than God did, or something to that effect. I still catch myself doing it - thanks for the reminder. A Veggie Tales movie, Snoodles Tale, teaches the same lesson. God creates us all with a purpose, gives us talents and passions for us to use to bring Him glory.