I wonder what the world would be like if each person's face revealed what was in their hearts. I remember watching a Twilight-zone episode where a wealthy man was dying and in order for his family to collect his money they would have to wear hideous masks with expressions of arrogance, pride, selfishness and avarice. They spoke kindly to him but their hearts were filled with greed. They reluctantly agreed to wear them and watched the old man expire. At the moment of death they gleefully took off their masks only to find that their faces were twisted into those shapes. They were rich and hideous…justice indeed!
If what we are on the inside could be reflected on the outside and we beheld the true person as God does then there would be a great reversal here…Hollywood would crumble and Mother Theresa would have been breathtaking. Flesh gets in the way of true beauty--how easily we are fooled.
The amazing thing about God is that He sees us as we really are and still loves us. When someone is in love, they are blind to the faults of the loved one, or they look beyond it to something else. Love has the power to transform us.
God’s love in Greek is the word agape which means He cherishes, esteems, respects, is loyal and devoted to you. If you don’t like what you see inside…He is the one who can change your heart. I know because I've been there and He's changing me. I haven't arrived yet, but I'm on the way.
“Love…always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails…” I Cor. 13:7,8 New International Version
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