Monday, May 28, 2007

A Discovery!

In order for this blog to make any sense to you: I beg, entreat, and implore you to read the article "It Happened One Night" (dated May 24th).

I must warn you that the following is borderline. I know I said this is a "G-rated" blog but this may be an exception to the rule. If you are of a delicate nature it may be better for you to skip this one!

My friend from the blog Not A Desperate Housewife made the following comment. In order for this to flow in a logical manner I thought I would color coordinate it. My friend's replies shall be in pink and mine shall be in green.

That had me ROTFLMAO - and I don't mean my donkey! Too funny.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now this old fogie has a question of you since your generation is hip on techno lingo. Remember, I used sticks and stones to play with when I was little. What in tarnation is ROTFLMAO? (It was at this point I wanted to say, "What in bloody !@#$%^&* is ROTFLMAO? but I restrained myself and used a tamer word.)

Sorry. ROTFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my ass (there's that awful word again: I fear it is my nemesis) off. Sometimes people will also just say it parts.

LMAO = laughing my ass off
ROTFL/ROFL = rolling on (the) floor laughing
LOL = laugh out loud

Now I understood! Often I would receive LOL as comments on my emails from friends. I thought I was hysterically funny and all they said was LOL. I thought that meant "lots of love." Heck, I didn't want affection, I wanted to make them laugh.

Young people do not despair: it is possible for those of us born in the stone age to actually learn something. See how useful it is to know what ROTFLALMAO means? I wonder who invented it? I wonder if anyone can create a new abbreviation in the literary pantheon known as text messaging and blogging? Has a dictionary been published to describe this new life form in metamorphosis? May I add something? I'm oozing with creative juices. How about this: ITYAIBIDKHTCOAATY? Since I just created it, I must be the expert in translating it. Do not try and figure it out: I am not an obvious person. Here is the direct interpretation--"I think you are insane but I don't know how to come out and actually tell you."

What power lies in the ability to create? A whole new realm I had never known has opened before me. "To boldly go where no man has gone before..."

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Ha! That was hilarious! You must have been relieved to know that you were making people laugh after all :P Glad to have been of service to you. As far as the dictionary goes, I don't think those terms have made it in yet but they aught to make a special handbook or something for it. I text in full words so I don't know all of the abbreviations that are out there. As a side note the word google was recently added to the dictionary as a verb, something about the act of looking up information on the internet.