Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A thousand pardons!

I don't know what happened to the font on my poem "Time No Longer" yesterday. Many thanks to the one who called my attention to it. Oh, in case you are wondering what I am talking about--the font looked like this asl;dfkjt;lkj;kadjsltj I want to assure everyone that it is not the same thing as *@#$%^&*! because I would never use the uppercase except in illustration, knowing of course that it is a delicate way of writing expletives.

I know I should be serious because expletives are a serious matter but I'm in one of those "spirit of mischief" moods and can't seem to help myself. Have you ever wondered if ministers get angry? If they stub their toe they can't bloody well curse can they? Excuse me, I have to confess that I love the word "bloody" and "blast" but those are curse words to the British and I wouldn't want to shock their sensibilities. So I'll just sigh and think those delicious words instead.

So here I am, a minister, stumped for a good tasty word and my hands are tied. I remember a little jingle I used to say in the playground to taunt another child in Japanese. It goes like this..."baka, baka, shin da yo. Omaino kasan debeso." What on earth does that mean? Translated it goes something like this: "stupid, stupid, I wish you'd die...your mother has a big belly button!"

Sure go ahead and laugh, but when you are ten years old...those are fighting words. At one point in my life it didn't get any nastier than that but now somehow it doesn't cut the muster--it loses something in the translation. So I'm back where I started; for when I found out that I put my poem in an illegible script I wanted to let fly!

What came out of my mouth instead? Are you ready to be shocked, astounded, ready to plead that God save my soul? I said the JC word and believe me it wasn't my Savior's name in vain. It was "Jiminy Cricket!" That's my word of choice now because it is the only one I can think of where no one will be offended.

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system; let's get serious. I have reset my blog so that anyone may comment. I'm new at this kind of thing and had no idea that people were unable to do so. Hopefully from this point on I will not have a "failure to communicate" (line from Cool Hand Luke).


Anonymous said...

Wow Helen, I thought I knew you pretty well, but I didn't know about your use of the "JC" word.(and you thought that wouldn't be offensive) Does Gerber really make Picante Sauce for babies, who knew!

hrpeters said...

I have to watch myself when I'm around little kids. I've caught myself saying "Jiminy Cricket" aloud and then they always tell me how he is their favorite.

As far as Picante sauce for babies, I wish I had thought about it first.

Melanie Faith said...

Oh, my gosh; funny stuff. Guess we just have each other rollin' tonight, huh? ;)