Monday, May 21, 2007

The Good Fight

I love a good fight. Oh, I don't mean Rocky, or WWF or a husband and wife going at it; I mean Band of Brothers, Lord of the Rings kind of thing where the odds are stacked up against you. Now I think the Spartans holding off the Persians at Thermopylea was awesome (and no, I haven't seen 300 yet!) but they all died in the end and winning and coming through it is the key.

I think more than anything it is the bond that happens during the thick of battle that draws me. Doolittle's Raiders and E-company of 101th Airborne division meet year after year as I suppose many from "the greatest generation" do.

I think the scene that encapsulates it all for me is the one in The Return of the King where the four hobbits meet at the pub and everyone is impressed with the small happenings of the day and they all silently make eye contact and drain their pints. Everything in Hobbiton has remain the same: they are the ones who have changed.

Paul said it this way toward the end of his life, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4:7. I hope to say so as well one day.


Men of Rohan, in you the Vikings are reborn.
To hear the pounding hooves of your steeds and horns

is to strike fear in any heart of darkness
trembling with fear in all of its starkness.

In the midst of battle caution you fling.
You fight with a lust that finds voice as you sing.

The glimpse of the conqueror is found in you.
Song of the North-wind, its breezes are true.

Echoes of Rohan fills us with delight.
We shiver with thrills from Valhalla’s height.


There’s a pause at the start of a battle…
a gathering of your breath
a tighter grip on your sword.
It is only a moment of stillness
but it can be felt by all.
It is like a running current under your feet
the beating heart of every man

to the sound of war’s syncopation.


The sky will weep its tears…
The earth will heal its scars--
over the ground of Helm’s Deep
the end of evil to mar.

The power of the wind to carry the stench away.
The dispelling of the night to bring a dawning day.
The marching of the Orcs
drowned out by marching trees.

Destroyers of the land…
destroyed is what you’ll be.
The power of Iluvatar to heal and to restore
is given to the earth to conquer as before.

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