Sunday, May 6, 2007


I have a confession to make...I love food like a Hobbit. I know there are many people out there who are indifferent to food, but heaven forbid I'm not one of them! When I go on a prolonged fast I actually dream of food. I remember the smells, colors and taste. "Is it crunchible...preciousssss?" (I know crunchible is not a word but I'm simply quoting Gollum at the moment--forgive me!)

Of course, dreaming about food is no crime and doesn't add inches to your waist. I have a fantasy of heaven where I am eating my way through a room and not gaining a pound, but alas, such is not the case down here. To this very day, my friends never know when I'll break out and sing my favorite song..."Food glorious food: hot sausage and mustard..." Okay so I like the musical "Oliver!"

There are many laws in nature and there are laws of life too. One of them I keep in mind is this: Whatever you feed will grow. We all know what it can do to our bodies. It is equally true that 'we are what we eat,' but it also works in other realms. For instance, I can feed my resentment and anger by rehearsing the wrong that has been done to me. I can feed my pride by blaming others and justifying my actions. You get the drift.

The same is true for the positive things I choose to feed. When I choose to forgive, I find myself loving others more. When I give, it increases my desire to serve.

Lust, violence, perversion...what satiated our culture twenty years ago doesn't even turn on a teenager now. "Whatever we feed will grow" works whether it is applied to an individual or a culture. Frightening isn't it? But it doesn't have to be.

Loyalty can be fed by simply keeping a confidence and not gossiping. Integrity can be nourished by keeping your word. Right choices will lead to right character. I want to feed the healthy things inside and starve the ones that are not.

God created us a tripartite being with body, soul and spirit. You have a spiritual hunger and you may be reaching out for other things to fill it and not finding satisfaction. I know because I've been there.

"Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink, even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk--it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen and I will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul! Come to Me with your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake..." Isaiah 55:1-3a (New Living Translation)


Hobbits are Middle-earth’s rustic folk.
Inviting them to dinner is no joke.
They’ll eat six meals a day whenever they can.
An appetite like that they ought to ban.
You better have lots of pipe weed in store.
Smoking comes in second
and they’ll ask for more.
You can be rich with all your Hobbit friends
and turn out poorer for it in the end.
The moral of this story is serious indeed.

Stop and think before you’ve any Hobbits to feed.


Lust is a hunger that cannot wait.
It preys unconcerned about its fate.

Its object is consumption
regardless of indigestion.

Whatever it devours
will always turn out sour.

It can never be satisfied
no matter how loud it cries.

The irony that’s in full view
is what you eat will eat at you.


We all have kingdoms to rule.
Our souls unabated would be fools.

To not be overcome by appetite’s bosses
is to count a victory over losses.

To not give in to anarchy’s flame
is power to submit, to conquer blame.

Rebellion can never lead to life.
Inner peace means ending that strife.

Purity is tested in the dark.
Deformity will leave its mark

on words and actions that will stain.
Love is the only thing that gains.

To win the battle by taming self’s beast
is to rule your kingdom like a priest.

You live in a land of self-denial…
the laughter you hear are from those on trial

who never understand the concept of self-rule
and end up as slaves to desires cruel.

But suffering aided Strider’s self-control
to master the kingdom within his soul.

It gave him authority to be a true king…
wisdom, understanding to rule he would bring.

To command a nation you must conquer within.
Defeat your own tyranny in order to win.


Rebecca said...

I liked those poems. I know just what you mean about loving food. I love to eat it but I don't enjoy shopping for it or cooking it very much. I have a hobbit's appetite as well - especially when I'm pregnant. Which I was when I saw the first LOTR and when they were talking about second breakfasts, snacksies, etc. I was thinking "these are my kind of people".

hrpeters said...

It's funny, I identify with hobbits the most in LOTR. I want to be like the elves but I can never be as wise, slender and sure footed, alas! I think about food most of the time and I don't have the excuse of being pregnant either!

Ataa'ullah said...

This is brilliant! Alot which we all experience. If we learn to forgive, our love grows...