Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ten Generations

It is fascinating to me that God would send a message through the ten generations linked together. Read the definitions as one long sentence.

Gen. 5:1-16 Hebrew meaning of the ten male names from Adam to Noah

ADAM = “Mankind”

SETH= “turns their faces towards”

ENOSH = “and are appointed, mortal, grievous sorrow”

KENAN = “to lament and to mourn”

MAHALALEL= “God who is praised”

JARED = “comes down”

ENOCH = “to instruct and to consecrate”

METHUSELAH = “he is sent forth as a prophet – priest”

LAMECH= “to be smitten and scourged, to die”

NOAH= “to give rest and security, a quiet attitude of peace”


Rebecca said...

Wow, that is interesting.

hrpeters said...

Isn't that amazing? I think there are more things hidden in the Word than we could ever discover.

Melanie Faith said...

That's awesome. Never thought about that...