It was as if I had read the passage for the first time and considered that Jesus never went to taverns and turned over tables of wine and threw the drunkards out on the streets. He never went to the brothels and whipped the men and women there. Even though both places were plentiful all over the Roman Empire, Jesus never cleansed the worst places in the world. Instead he went to where his people were during a religious celebration and cleansed the Temple. He judged his people first before he judged the world.
Your anger was directed toward your own religious people. Before the close of the 1st century, you rebuked 5 churches and told them to repent in the book of Revelations. The 1st century church was in its glory, purity and power and you told them to repent. Today American Christians are busy, prosperous and comfortable. I wonder if you came back and sat incognito in our services would you even recognize Christianity?
We carry on with 'business as usual' and we are blind to our own condition like the Pharisees long ago. We do business in your church like the world does: marketing techniques, user friendly terminology, program after program to increase numerically so that profits increase. It's time Lord to clean the temple once again!
have a great week-end
Explore and recognise the words meanings in the scriptures
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