Friday, February 29, 2008

My Senses Are Reeling

I used to have perfect vision but now I have to wear reading glasses. My hearing is okay but my sense of smell is still acute. Yesterday, as I was talking my evening walk around the neighborhood I could smell what people were having for favorite roast beef. Forget that it is nearly spring and flowers are blooming everywhere (at least in my neck of the woods) what is that compared to meat roasting on an open fire?

So my mind began to wander...why don't we have fragrances like pork chops eau de cologne? Do you think men want to smell fruit and flowery shampoos? Smell like prime rib and they will follow you forever. Of course, you would have to be careful or every dog in the neighborhood would too. It would have to be banned in Alaska for every time you leave your residence you are at the bottom of the food-chain. The carnivores there need no encouragement. Ah, but what are these but the musings of a deranged mind?

1 comment:

Melanie Faith said...

One must be careful when wearing the essence a la meat--for an unwary man may suspect the scent to be authentic and therefore try to take a nibble from the most unsuspecting party. The results could be very painful. ;)