Monday, March 3, 2008

Another Jonah

I am so asleep in the security of my salvation that I am no longer awake to the judgment seat of Christ. I am so complacent that 'all is well' that I have been dulled to the fear of the Lord. Like Jonah asleep in the boat; do I need the lost to wake me up? So smug that I am the chosen of God even when I run from His will?

His patience with my disobedience is running thin and I am the last one to realize it. The godless are more sensitive to God's desires than I am. In panic they wake me up from the stupor of my comfort. They know how hopeless their situation is...the storm of life is sinking their vessel. They know the only answer for them is that the Church fulfills the will of God. Throw the prophet of God into His will and the sea will become calm. Maybe the ice cold water will wake him up to his true condition. Maybe his spirit will cry out to God and repent while there is still time. Must a willful, disobedient prophet be swallowed up and taken into deep darkness till he feels more dead than alive?

It is God's mercy that would judge us and still give us a second chance to obey Him. How powerful are the words of one who has died to self and lives to obey God. It is a word that brings a city to its knees in true repentance. People sense God's judgment is near. They are desperate to hear God's words in the mouth of an obedient prophet: "Mercy triumphs over judgment!"

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