Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Dream

I had a dream a few years ago and in it I saw a very elegant restaurant filled with people. Each table was filled except one where a man was sitting alone. This table was in the center of the room and was very large with the man sitting at the head. This man paid for everyone’s meal and it was made known to all in the room.

There were loud exclamations and people turned to look at him. Many came over to thank him and humbly accepted his payment. I saw a man with his family ask this kind stranger, “Why did you pay for our meal when we don’t even know you?” “Because I love you,” he said. They were amazed but saw the love in his eyes and asked if they could sit at his table and talk with him. He nodded with a smile and soon his table was filled with people.

Others were insulted by this man. They felt interfered with and were very suspicious. Their pride would not let them accept this free gift. They did not want to feel obligated to anyone. Their indignation mounted to anger and hatred. They went to his table and yelled at him. Some spit on his face because they were so enraged. This man still desired them to accept his gift but they refused every entreaty. They seemed pleased in the fact that they could refuse him. This man kept following them with his compassionate eyes as these people retreated from his table to pay the cashier themselves. He kept calling them back to come to his table and they kept refusing to hear him.

When they came to pay the bill, they again refused to have the cashier accept the man’s generous offer. The cashier rang up each of their bills. It came up to tens of thousands of dollars each. Their faces paled because no one had enough to pay what they owed. The dream faded and in that dreaming, waking state, I asked the Lord what it meant.

He said, “I am the man who paid for everyone’s meal. The table I am sitting at is the kingdom of heaven. Those who are humble and grateful are able to let Me pay the tab for their sins. Each individual sits at the table of their life and eats of their own doing. You truly are what you eat. You can only change your diet when you eat from My table. I give the invitation and all hear and know it, but as you have seen there are still those who reject My free gift and choose to do it themselves. When they find out they do not have enough to pay their debt--it will be too late.”
I woke up with the picture still vivid in my mind and wrote it out as best as I could recall


Rebecca said...

Great analogy!

hrpeters said...

You know I have crazy dreams so to get one like this and remember it was so unusual that I had to write it down.