Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Another Fine Mess

I have never been guilty of impulse buying--my impulses lie in a different vein altogether. I love taking a road I have never traveled on before (when I have time to get lost a little, which doesn't happen often, alas!)

I'm impulsive when it comes to experiencing something new; like when a friend and I decided on a lark to go repelling and spelunking (no, these are not dirty words but you can get dirty doing them).

I bought the ticket, got into the gear and had the pleasure of dangling 200 feet suspended in air...wondering if the added weight of breakfast would affect the poor rope I was attached to. A sensible group of tourist were at the bottom of Moaning Caverns looking up at the idiots (me and my friend) wondering if we had lost our minds.

Just are higher than the Statue of Liberty dangling on a rope...people looking like ants below you and on top of this...the lights go out and you are in complete darkness. I mean total, absolute, mind-boggling, Twilight Zone, black-hole darkness. The kind where you can put your hand in front of your face and still see nothing.

The lights were turned off by the sadistic guide below and I think he loved the power he had to freak people out. I want to reassure you that I did not let a bunch of expletives like !@#$%^&* pass my lips. I was just thankful that I had gone to the bathroom before I went repelling.

An eternity later I touch bottom; sweet terra firma with my unsteady feet. I couldn't blame my friend (I suggested repelling); I couldn't blame the management (they briefed me and with sound mind I signed on the dotted line); but I could blame God (He was the one who made me like this--taking
pure pleasure that I was wired so perversely).

Three weary hours later I changed out of my mud caked coveralls, ran my fingers through my mud encrusted hair and glanced at the wall of the main building on my way out. All of a sudden my heart swelled with pride and my exhaustion vanished like the morning mist. Why, you may ask? There on the wall was a picture of another person who had done what I had done. Whom, you may ask? The honorable Tom Hanks.

Call me crazy, but I was in good company now! Besides, impulsive people have to stick together.


Rebecca said...

It looks like you had a great time! I did that once and loved it and freaked out all at once.

hrpeters said...

We have another thing in common. I'm glad to know you took the plunge...hang it all! You know what I mean.