Thursday, August 23, 2007

Picture This

I'm a visual kinda person, maybe that's why I enjoy slapstick over one liners. I'm like that with learning too. I tend to remember stories because I can visualize them over facts and lengthy lectures. One illustration I recall was from an instructor who mentioned that a man once had a vision of heaven and witnessed another person being crowned.
The crown was so big that it fit over the person's head and onto their shoulders.

The man who had the vision asked someone nearby, "Why is the crown so big that its larger than his head? It looks ridiculous!" The answer rebounded in his soul, "The crown was not fashioned according to his intellect but according to his heart."

It became my heart's cry...

Lord make a crown to fit my heart not my head.
Let it not have the jewels of what I know but what I live.

Lord let me speak the words You've given me to say
and not the things that I would want to say.
For Your words give life that I just can't give
and let it not be simply what I know but what I live.


Rebecca said...

That's a beautiful picture of God's heart desire for us.

hrpeters said...

I don't know what God will do with my life but at the end of it I want a crown to measure my heart and not my head. "Now abideth these, hope and love but the greatest is love."