Friday, August 10, 2007

There is a Kinship

There is a kinship in pain;
no words need to be spoken.

The healing comes in sharing,
the bond remains unbroken.

There is an intimacy in joy--
impossible to keep alone…

intensifying as it spreads
humanizing hearts of stone.


The scent of spring gets stronger everyday;
promise of life to rise from winter’s decay.

Let this renewal last forever--to start slow
rejuvenating cold heart and weary soul.


I’m one of those simple people…
I actually like paintings
that represent the real thing.

I like books that clear up
some questions instead of adding to them.

We can be so artistic
no one understands us.

We can be so clever
that we are all alone.

We can have the praise of the elite
and miss the heart of humanity.


Sky is not the limit for me.
I do not want to be earth bound…

I want the countdown and ignition.

I want the power to break
the bonds of gravity.

I want to live on the edge
of worlds unexplored

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Beautiful. My favorite is the first, I can relate to that.