Thursday, August 16, 2007

Little Things

I love the expanse of sea, earth and sky but I also love the little things that go unnoticed by most: like wild flowers peeking through the foliage or morning dew on the grass. I enjoy the macro and the micro world for there are wonders hidden in both.

I remember browsing through a book of frozen water crystals...the colors and shapes fascinated me--there are worlds within worlds. My brother teased me later and said, "Simple things for simple minds." He's probably right.

I never want to gaze at the stars and think like an astronomer..."Look, there's Betelgeuse, a red super giant: when that goes nova it will blast everything within a hundred parsecs!" I'd rather behold their beauty and be lost in wonder like a child, "twinkle, twinkle, little I wonder what you are!"

What fascinates me even more is that God created the universe with all these wonders intertwined and dependent. When I realize how much He cared for the works of His hands then I realize that I am no accident: created with nothing, because of nothing, for nothing.

Coming from a former atheist--that is no little thing.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love the picture of the water crystal, so pretty. I don't think appreciation of those things is for the simple mind. Wrapping your mind around the {trying to use a big word here but can't spell it} smaller things and how everything works together is not for the simple mind that can only appreciate what is held up straight in front of them. Just the other night Michael was outside with Shawn & I and he looked up pointing to the sky & said 'look mama, a star!' and we all proceeded to sing twinkle twinkle at his request.