Monday, August 20, 2007

Clothing Malfunction

Okay, calm down. I did not have a Janet Jackson moment. My "accidents" are not telecast nor will anyone know other than the people reading this blog. What was my sin? Everything was zipped and buttoned properly. I was dressed smartly in my black suit, so where did I go astray?

Alas...I almost got away unnoticed but my mother, the clothing hawk, with her eagle eyes spotted the malfunction right away.

mom: "What's wrong with your skirt?"
me: "Ummm, it's no big deal."
mom: "Come closer."
I reluctantly stepped forward.
mom: "Are those staples?!"
me: "The hem went out! I didn't have thread and needle!"
mom: "You helmed your skirt with staples?" she asked in disbelief.
me: "At least I colored it in with a black sharpie!" I said defensively.
Words escaped her as she shook her head.
me: "Look it was busy...there were a lot of customers. I had to use what was available."
mom: "I'll sew it tonight," she sighed like a martyr.
There was no use praying that her tomboy daughter would ever become a lady--my character was fixed.

Other than create a new use for staples and a sharpie I know the whole experience worked greater patience on my long-suffering parent and resolve in me: no, its not that I am determined to become more ladylike--that is a lost cause. It is not to use thread and needle instead...because I'd rather use a stapler. No, I'm resolved to hide the damage better next time; maybe with tape.


Rebecca said...

You can get two sided tape & she'll never know the difference. There's even an iron on infuser {or something like that} you can put in your hem, iron it and no sewing required. When I was in high school it was 'fashionable' or at least a trend of sorts to staple the hem of your to big baggy loose pants.

hrpeters said...

Duh! I am so behind with the fads and trends. I should have guessed that I wasn't the only one to do something like that! Go figure!