Thursday, August 30, 2007

Food Glorious Food

How much is that doggie
in the window?

I'm so lonesome
I could cry!

froggie went a courtin' he did ride, uh hah

We are poor little sheep that
have lost our way...

baaa, baaa, baaa

Joy to the fishes
in the deep blue sea...
joy to you and me!

A friend emailed these photos to me and I could not resist!
For everyone who thought it was bad manners to play
with your you can and eventually eat it too!


Melanie Faith said...

Wow, that was really funny--and o, so Helenish (not hellish). ^_^ I'm hungry now.

Rebecca said...

I didn't realize that the objects of food were made out of food until the very end. I think I'm tired and should go to bed now. Funny pics. I'm sure the cauliflower ice-cream would be disappointing.

hrpeters said...

I know...I'm a sicko at heart! There are some very creative, talented people out there! Thanks for forwarding the pics Mel!