Friday, June 1, 2007


There is a land that never ages,
unchanged it is between the pages;

fresh and alive from the first time we looked
into the heartbeat of Tolkien’s book.

We grow older, but not our hearts.
The wonder and magic never departs.

There is a cord that ties us there
untangled from all the world and its cares.

Unseen it may be, but it feeds our dreams,
more in common with our childhood it seems.

A fragrance is mixed from our infancy
adding strength to years that have yet to be…

binding us tighter to Middle-earth
feeding our hunger for greater worth.


I’ve been to many lands
from the pages of a book.
But nothing I’ve ever known
has the fragrance of Middle-earth.

I breathe a different air
whenever I go there.
It’s not something trapped in the lungs
but felt in the heart.

It is more than nostalgia
a longing to go home.
It’s hard to explain this desire.
Sometimes I feel all alone.


Don’t be fooled by appearances.
Things are often not what they seem.

A man who looks like an outcast
might really be a king.

A Hobbit cowering in fright
could cast down Mordor’s might.

An old man who seeks to rule
may turn out to be a fool.

A spirit that lusts for power
may crumble in its tower.

Not everything that seems weak is weak.
Not everything that looks strong is strong.


To ache for the music of Middle-earth:
To know the conductor who gave it birth…

to hear the song that’s inside of you
proving the symphony to be most true.

Rejoicing to know there are hearts in tune
to haunting melodies with Elvish runes.

He played the music that won our hearts.
It seeped into our souls like perfect art.

We assess it rightly to value it high.
In the masterpiece we heard his sigh.

The satisfaction that comes with delight
adds vision to sounds in lovely sight.

Hearing and seeing work hand in hand
to tie our hearts to that mysterious land.

The cords that wind around our hearts
give back the song our love imparts.

Our taste is fed by the tempo of light.
We sing of Middle-earth with all our might!

author's note: the conductor is not Howard Shore nor Peter Jackson but J.R.R. Tolkien


Rebecca said...

Those are great Helen. I enjoy Lord of the Rings as well but your writing really shows your passion for the books. Though I must say, I don't think I'll ever look at Dominic Monaghan's character the same way after seeing him in Lost. He'll always be Charlie to me.

hrpeters said...

I've never seen lost. I've only seen him in one other role and that is as the helmsman in Master and Commander, an excellent movie by the way.