Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Love Gives Life

Love gives life to everything.
Hate devours itself.

Good releases everyone.
Evil imprisons itself.

Faith believes for everyone.
Fear implodes on itself.

The world is vast for what is right
and narrow for all that is wrong


Ancient order, tales untold
One of the nine--leader bold
Quick to anger, quick to laugh
Wise in counsel, stifles wrath
Elves’ advisor, Strider’s friend
Frodo’s mentor, Saruman’s end
Glamdring’s owner, Shadow-fax tamed
“Mithrandir” Elves have named
Middle-earth’s flame, Arnor wields
Mordor’s darkness, hope to shield
Balrog’s terror, old man’s might
Fell in shadow, rose in white
Third age over, mission done
West is calling, joy has begun


Faramir, faithful son
life almost over before it’s begun.

Greater wisdom than brother had
favored by Gandalf made your father mad.

Passed the test where Boromir failed
to give up the ring, your father railed.

Pride the portion of Denethor
fanned into flames by Mordor.

Faramir’s love could not quench the fire
his life salvaged from his family’s pyre.

Raised up to be Aragorn’s friend
Stewards of Gondor coming to an end.


The darkness has passed, the frost over.
Gentleness wins, hardness blows cover.

Faramir’s love has defrosted your heart.
Eowyn, you will have a new start.

Say goodbye to roughness and Rohan.
You will be a princess in Ithilien.

No longer a shield-maiden you will be
but a healer loving all beauty.


Proud maiden with heart of stone
Faramir’s love did much atone.

Winter is broken by the Spring
with all the promise it can bring.

Despondency with all its gloom
couldn’t force its way into your bloom.

Raven back and golden hair
mixed to the delight of Gondor's stare.

May your laughter mingle so
adding joy to Ithilien’s glow.

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