Thursday, December 20, 2007

On The Mend

Five years ago I was diagnosed by a friend to have a fatal disease...I didn't even know that such a thing existed but here I was living proof. My ailment was called "techno-phobia." I had nightmares of hitting the wrong key and deleting vital information or even worse of blowing up a computer altogether (I should have never seen The Net).

I am a recovering techno-phobe and I have to force myself to try new things: branch out by doing blogs, websites and even writing books with a computer. Actually I think I could have only accomplished the feat during the age of spell and grammar check.

Whenever I get the strong urge pulling me back to a simpler time, I spend at least a few hours on the internet to counterbalance it. Alas, I must ever be vigilant. May my plight encourage others of similar mold.


Rebecca said...

Techno-phobia - lol, that's great. Well you had me & I'm sure others fooled. Don't leave the internet! At least not for good, love your blog and you do a great job with it. Oh and I really like that scrabble man vs machine pic you put up, that's great.

hrpeters said...

Ha! Guess who the doctor was...Melanie of course! Thanks for the encouragement.