Friday, December 7, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Class

It rained hard last night and this morning I noticed a clump of children bending down near the basketball court. It looked like a conspiracy was brewing so I went over to inspect.

What did I find? Sweet, considerate kids full of compassion for poor wiggling worms deciding to throw them back on the verdant lawn. Not one squashed remnant did I find. Those little vermin didn't know how lucky they were--all except one however...

"Teacher, Joey* ate a worm!" one little first grade informer told me.
"He what?!" I ejaculated.
She pointed in his direction and the other kids nodded and affirmed her declaration.
The guilty victim approached with a carefree air.
"Joey, did you really eat a worm?" I bent down to look at the first grader eye-to-eye.
He nodded his head truthfully.
"Why?" I asked in utter frustration.
"Because Eddie asked me to!"
"If Eddie asked you to jump off the cliff would you do it?"
Joey's forehead furrowed as he thought about the scenario.
I wanted to scream out, the answer is NO, Joey!
The audience was there: young pliable hearts ready for a life lesson but all I wanted to do was run to the nearest exit and laugh my head off.
I really wanted to ask him what it tasted like...chicken?
No, I couldn't laugh, I didn't even smile, I did not want to encourage the behavior.
What about Joey?
He didn't get sent to the office or a note home to his parents--not even a slight tummy ache but he did get a little extra protein!

* names have been changed to protect the innocent.


Rebecca said...

Eeewwwwwwwwwww! That's really gross. I commend you for not bursting out in laughter or asking him out it tasted, that must have been difficult to hold back. In my fourth grade class (I think) a boy picked the wings off of some kind of bug and ate the whole thing. GROSS!

hrpeters said...

Has Mikey shown any similar behavior? Keep a close watch on that boy. The first grader who ate the worm looked like a cherub.