Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Tree of Life

It felt surreal...I was at a bookstore I had frequented most of my life but I wasn't there to buy anything this time--I was selling and signing my own book. I had buried the desire long ago; I had no hope that anything I ever wrote would see the light of day.

My dreams went on hold while I rolled up my sleeves and invested my life in children and youth. Looking back now, I have no regrets for many of their lives are built on a solid foundation.

Twenty years went by and then God began to stir me again and inflame my desire to write. I dusted off my long forgotten ambitions and poured myself into a story three years in the making.

This scripture has marked most of my life, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick..." I made the usual rounds to publishers and had many doors slammed in my face. Ah, but the scripture does not end there for the second part says this, "but when the desire is fulfilled it is a tree of life!" (Prov. 13:12)

Allow me to encourage you to never give up or let go of your dreams for they not an illusion. Twenty years can go by and it is still possible to see your dreams take shape into a tree of life.


Rebecca said...

I am so excited for you. You are like a celebrity! {well the most famous celebrity I know anyway.} Just don't forget all us little people when you make it on Oprah to talk about your book turned movie deal. And I'm looking forward to buying the next books in the series and see how things between Jasmine & Capt. Lawrence go.

hrpeters said...

Ha! Ha! I am just hoping to supplement an income with these books.Talk about God using the weak things of the world to confound the mighty...I am no word-smith like Melanie. I could not have written this book without spelling and grammar check ;)