Saturday, July 28, 2007

There and Back Again

I loved Israel but I'm glad to be home again. Thank you for your prayers because I did not fall off a camel nor was I close enough to one to get spit upon. Actually it was a very tame trip for me but not, alas, to a few friends who were also there: Maddy not only got baptized in the Jordon River but fell into it a second time the next day for good measure.

I enjoyed the food as only a Hobbit can with second breakfast, but did not gain any weight because I walked at least 2 or 3 miles a day during the tour in 100 degree weather. I felt more like Indiana Jones than a saint on pilgrimage. There is just something about looking at 5,000 year old ruins that makes me want to go into archeology.

I actually used my old fashioned Minolta X700 more than the digital so I have to get rolling on the development. I'm writing this at 4am because I'm still on Jerusalem time so I'll end this blog now before I become incoherent.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Welcome back! I look forward to seeing more photos and hearing more about the trip. The first two on your blog are beautiful. I'm glad you didn't have any run ins with any camels. How exciting to get baptized in the Jordan! I'm glad Maddy went back for a second dip - just in case it didn't take the first time. :P