Sunday, July 15, 2007

a hop, skip and a jump

For those of you who enjoy reading about my adventures...or rather misadventures, know that I am only going to add to the storehouse by hopping to New Jersey, skipping to Germany and jumping into Israel. Why that route? Because I must go where the plane leadeth. Why Israel? Because like Mt. Everest...It is there and I love the land and people--Muslim and Jews alike. I shall be gone for ten days but I hope to be back with roaring tales to tell.

If you read my article "Old Yeller" than you know that horses and I don't mix, but don't rule out camels. If I see one I just may take it up. Now that is where I could use your prayers, if you are so inclined for the height of a camel is greater than a horse and my backside could be in some danger if I fell. Why a camel? Because I haven't been on one yet.

If you read my article "Candid Camera" than you know how simpatico I am with photography. I promise to bring back lots of pictures of my trip and like Bilbo, God willing, I shall be "There and Back Again."


Rebecca said...

I am so excited for your trip & can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. I pray that your travels go smoothly and you all have a great time, with good health and safe traveling. I'd love to make the trek one of these days. Enjoy!

Rebecca said...

I know you are gone right now but when you get back & have a chance I tagged you with an insightful meme. Check out my post on 7/20/07, I look forward to reading your response.