Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Be Still

I admire beautiful architect and feel a hushed awe when I am in a great cathedral. Two years ago when I was doing research on my book, I went to England and visited Winchester Cathedral where Jane Austen lies buried. The Norman arches, ancient baptismal fount, and the stain glass windows all spoke of antiquity but I am from the New World and felt very much out of place.

I did not worship the Temple, I admired it. I am in awe of the people who could build such a monument to faith but the sanctity of God's presence I reserve for one place...His creation. I feel God's presence more when I am surrounded by the beauty His hands have made than when I am in services.

When I lived in L.A. and couldn't take the asphalt jungle any longer, I would have to visit Griffith Park. When I lived in SF and the noise and pace of the city wore me out, I would have to get my fix from the ocean or Golden Gate Park.

We live in a noisy, busy, frantic world...we have to fight to get to a place of rest and stillness. I am not talking about a stillness of surroundings, though that helps, but the stillness of soul and spirit. Many people may find life with that hectic pace but I have to slow down or I live on automatic pilot.

A few months ago I was teaching a rambunctious Sunday school class this lesson; after all the games, contests and snacks were over we went outside. The children laid on a large blanket and I told them to close their eyes and just listen for a few moments.

Minutes went by with just silence and then each child began to tell me what they heard...birds singing, the pages of their Bibles rustling, sounds of traffic from the distant highway. They felt the soft breeze and most of all...the presence of God. Why? I think it was because they were still enough in body, soul and spirit to recognize that He was with us.

Find those moments alone and you will discover how close He really is. "Be still and know that I am God..." (Ps. 46:10)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Those are beautiful photos and a great reminder. I think that more often I am still in body but my mind continues racing.