Tuesday, November 27, 2007

True Beauty

True Beauty

True beauty awakens in me

fragrance of immortality:
I see it in the face of a child,
hear it in a line of music,
or read it till it fills my soul.

All true beauty affects me in the same way:
it starts as an ache,
builds to a longing,
till it overflows into tears unrestrained.

It is not the rose I want
but something beyond it.

We Are Shaped

We are shaped by what we love.
Our sight is formed by what we see.
Our heart is molded by what we hold on to.
Our imagination is baptized by where we linger.

Like the Elves

I’m like the Elves.

I love the night.

I love the stars.

I love the stillness of a forest.

The sound of water

is like music to me

And whenever I hear a seagull cry

I am wistful for the sea.


Rebecca said...

This reminded me that I've been meaning to ask if you've seen Veggie Tales' Lord of the Bean. If not, you really should. I just saw it a couple days ago and it is so funny. I love the sporks! Anyway, great poem.

hrpeters said...

Yes, I have seen it courtesy of Shantel. Of course it was over at Drew and Mel's. I loved the part where Gandalf and Frodo (forgot the Veggie Tale's name for them) just laugh for no reason. Is anything sacred anymore?

Anonymous said...

Love this poem, you have a gift, I have always believed. Sorry it took so long for me to drop in and read some.


hrpeters said...

Linda, thank you for your encouragement. I have to ask you a question though...have we met, do I know you? I am not familiar with anyone named Linda Sue but then, alas I have both long and short term memory loss!