Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Perfect 44

I'm in one of my moods; now that doesn't mean what you think it does! When I get moody it usually means silly, crazy, mischievous or any combination thereof. I blame it entirely on the Manufacturer--He wired me this way!

I was speaking today with a co-worker who was interested in getting her BA degree and that got me thinking about my own. An AA in psychology means that I can psychoanalyze moderately well. My BA in theology means that I understand dogma and the Bible even better but the place where I really shine is psychoanalyzing biblical characters.

I took an evaluation and found out that I'm a 44. No, that is not my IQ or my is my score on a Dr. Phil's personality something-or-other test.

This is the description of those who are 44: "Others see you as fresh (but not rude), lively, charming, amusing, practical and always interesting. Someone who's constantly in the center of attention (God forbid!), but sufficiently well-balanced to let it not go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate and understanding, someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out."

Now there are so many wonderful accolades in the preceding statement but the only one that really mattered was
WELL-BALANCED. If Dr. Phil thinks I'm mentally fit then I don't care who thinks I'm crazy!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

You are too funny Helen, and I think that description fits you pretty well.