Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Vision

When I lived in San Francisco God gave me a vision while I was worshiping the Lord one day. I saw myself in front of a cave entrance that was small and in order to go inside, I had to crawl on all fours. I did so and felt the floor of the cavern; it was gritty and full of small pebbles. I filled my pockets with the pebbles and went back out into the sunshine. When I got outside and checked my pockets I drew out what I had thought were pebbles and found uncut jewels instead.

I didn't understand the vision and asked the Lord to reveal to me what He meant by it. This scripture came to mind "I will give you treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places..." Isaiah 45:3 and I knew what God was trying to tell me was that He would give me the ability to see the beauty in people that others would just assume are throw aways.

God sees the true treasure that you are in the darkness. You may not see yourself that way but He does and when He brings you out into the light everyone will see it.

I want to see people with His eyes and treasure what He treasures. I think that is what made Mother Teresa the kind of person she was but then she was only walking in the footsteps of Jesus who loved the unlovely.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful description of that verse.