Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Dreams

A few days ago, my friend Melanie who is the author of A Quiet Symphony (link at the bottom of this page) challenged me to write of my goals/dreams. Now I believe that goals are achievable but dreams are much higher.

Let me just mention a simple goal of mine: I want to remember peoples' names better. I do mind-twisters like Sudoku in order to sharpen whatever gray matter I have left (alas, braincells die and are not rejuvenated) but I have seen no improvement. What has been the result of my good intentions? I am now addicted to Sudoku without the benefit of an improved memory.

How about a dream of mine? Well, one of my dreams is to fly, but that would cost more than I am able to expend right now. I don't mean taking a commercial flight overseas because I've logged many hours doing that; I mean to pilot a small craft myself. I have a feeling that if that were achievable for me then I would aim higher because my ultimate dream would be astronomical--I want to see the earth from the moon.

I have a telescope but seeing the stars are not the same thing as being out there and for this space cadet...I want to be out there. One of my favorite links is NASA's picture of the day. Hubble has photographed things that have blown my mind (which, by the way, is not hard to do). I'm a person who has her head in the clouds: I'm always looking at the sky--which means I also trip a lot!

I couldn't put it better than this...

"The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display His craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make Him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth
and their words to all the world." Ps. 19:1-4 NLT

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers
the moon and the stars You set in place--
what are people that you should think about them,
mere mortals that you should care for them?"
Ps. 8:3,4 NLT

I have a suggestion for you if you ever feel small and insignificant: search the web for photos from Hubble and let their beauty sink deep into your soul and then realize that you are more important to God than all the galaxies in the universe. Jesus didn't die to redeem creation; He sacrificed His life for mankind, for you--for you are His masterpiece.


Rebecca said...

Great post & a beautiful picture. Michael has started to notice airplanes & helicopters and really likes the sound of jets. I think of you whenever we see one. I hope that you are able to pilot your own plane one day.

Melanie Faith said...

Helen, this was a beautiful post and I'm enjoying your new picture additions every day. Keep up the awesome blogging!