Thursday, April 12, 2007


True beauty awakens in me
fragrance of immortality:
I see it in the face of a child,
hear it in a line of music,
or read it till it fills my soul.

All true beauty affects me in the same way:
it starts as an ache,
builds to a longing,
till it overflows into tears unrestrained.

It is not the rose I want
but something beyond it.


Rebecca said... that a poem of yours or perhaps an excerpt from another book??? I am curious and anticipate the release of the sequel to Captain's Choice.

hrpeters said...

No Rebecca, it is a poem. Actually I will have this poem in the third and final book. Jasmine will recite it to Laurence.

Rebecca said...

Can't wait to read it in print! I love the 'teasers'. I hope things are going well for you. Miss you all.