Monday, April 30, 2007

Beyond all reason

Beyond all reason there is a place
Where God can call you to fond embrace;

The mind cannot fathom
Nor intellect tell of how or where that one may dwell

In a land where the five sense no longer reign
But where the sixth has domain.

The sixth is the one the spirit senses
The world of the spirit's unseen abode:

That is one with God and all creation
Which is its natural heavenly home.

Time no longer

Time no longer an enemy
Death no longer a foe
Hate no longer a way of life
Fear no longer a road

For time is lost in Your loving arms
And death is but a friend
Who'll usher in the greatest age
My soul has ever been

Hate is swallowed up in love
And fear but a bit of strain
That through its trials has wrought fine gold
And through it Your bride is trained.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Spirit of Mischief

Well, with a title like that I better deliver something. I want to settle one thing here and now before I proceed further…the “spirit of mischief” is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does it find its originality in me. I heard it from a minister once a few years ago. It struck a cord with me and I’ve use it occasionally in speech. Now deeply rigid, super religious people don’t like this phrase (maybe that’s why I use it) because there’s no room for fun in their dogma. I think quite differently on the subject; however, and believe God can be unorthodox at times.

Let me explain before I get excommunicated by some of you. I remember my BC days (that’s Before Christ and not BCE…before Common Era) when I was a very dull kind of person, hardly what one would call spontaneous or “spicy.” Everything was black, white and gray but when I became a Christian, color splashed on the scene and so did a sort of joyous, innocent “wildness.” I was intoxicated with happiness. Now at the time I did not know my condition had a name. I just thought I was going crazy. It would have saved me years of anguish if I had only known this was “the spirit of mischief" and not momentary insanity.

Why did I think so? Because I had been under such a dark cloud of depression since my father's sudden death. I was filled with rage, bitterness, despair and even suicidal thoughts--living was hell to me. When I finally cried "uncle" to God and stopped fighting and resisting Him, joy flooded my life. I have never returned to that previous state; that condition of sickness.

The domino of happiness knocked over joy, which knock over craziness, which led to spontaneous actions, (none of them hurtful to me or anyone else). This “condition” was not something that was a part of my nature before I became a Christian, so my logical conclusion was--God was responsible for it somehow.

I’ve read a few classics and scanned the saintly ones from ages past, but I’ve found little residue to this side of God’s nature. I have only uncovered one clue that has given me hope and it is from C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia where he mentions that Aslan is “NOT a tame lion.” That line has always intrigued me. Was that a hint Jesus was a little wild? Can’t be put in a box? Doesn’t play by our rules? Lewis does a masterful job of teasing, like scattering seed. Will people’s imagination cause it to germinate? Could it possibly mean God is fascinating? Can God be a little mischievous? I know He has a sense of humor because it mentions several times in Psalms that God “laughs” from heaven. Anytime I doubt that I just look at the hippopotamus or the platypus.

Personally, I don’t think God is boring at all. I don’t see Jesus as dull. I think He is “fascinating” (imagine it just like Spock would say with a raised eyebrow). These are not great, holy, religious thoughts at all…they are quite unconventional, but then I can blame God for this. Every time I get a little too happy and kooky, I tell God, “You did this to me!” And I’m so thankful He did. For anyone out there who has the same malady I do, be at peace…you are not alone.

The photograph I've chosen to go with this story is sick enough to reveal my sense of humor. If you are offended, please know that I did not put it on my blog for that purpose and you can always pray for me.

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Ps. 30:11,12 (New Living Translation)

PS. My dear friend Melanie (author of A Quiet Symphony blog) challenged me on who is my favorite Princess Bride character and I was torn in two. For a while the scales were tilting for the priest at the end of the movie who pronounced the wedding vows (that part just kills me!) As a minister, I've always wanted to recite someone's vows in that way but what couple could take that? I could just see some dear grandmother...a relation of the happy bride passing out in a dead faint. Finally after a struggle...miracle Max won out in the end and if you don't like my selection "why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lord of the Mark

*Okay, so I'm a Lord of the Rings fan. I give ample warning to anyone adverse to it so that they may avoid reading the following.*

Like a Viking king you rise,
from the ash heap full of lies.

Clothe yourself in armor again…
wash away years of toil and pain.

The warrior in you has never died.
The courage there could never hide.

Strengthen your grip by holding your sword.
Lead the way as Riddermark’s Lord.

Let the horns blow throughout the land.
At Helm’s Deep you will make your stand.

Saruman’s aim went wide of the mark.
Gandalf’s light broke through the dark.

Deception was unmasked in time,
so you could rise up in your prime.

Better to end your days in a fight
with others against Mordor’s might;

than to waste away believing lies
by a master who loves to disguise.

Ride forth like Eorl of old,
shepherding your flock in the fold.

Like a dotard you will not die,
but in a green mound with kings you will lie.

Simbelmynë will adorn your grave,
crowning the Rohan you fought to save.

Your people will mourn, yet sing your praise.
Your ending was a triumph to all your days.

By H. R. Peters
© 2004 “Songs of the Shire, vol. 2”

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Letting Go

I think one of the hardest things in life is letting go. We’re not born with the nature to let go. Even newborns clasp tight their hands into little fists. Sometimes we are like that, with a death grip on something we lust for or fear to let go of. That is what’s so potent about “The Lord of the Rings.” Frodo is the ring-bearer, but the ring has got a hold of him. We can all identify with him if we are honest with ourselves.

We think we are in control only to find out to our surprise, we are not. We have to learn through hard lessons in life to let go. We can’t change people, we can’t control our lives, and we don’t even know what tomorrow may bring. We can insulate our lives with possessions, but there’s no assurance in them. It’s only a cushion of comfort to shield us from the truth that we have so little power.

Remember the scene in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” where Indy is reaching for the chalice? He knows it could cost his life but he’s still reaching for it. His father calls him by his chosen name for the first time and tells him to let it go. He comes to his senses, reaches out to his father with both hands and is pulled to safety.

I feel like that sometimes, reaching for something I’ve got to have without realizing it could cost my life. I hang on to God with one hand while I reach for an idol with the other. I don’t realize I’m over a chasm and about to fall. It’s not about whether God is holding tightly to me; it’s about whether I’m holding tightly to Him. The compromise is always on my part.

God loves us with passion. In Joshua 1:5 God tells Joshua that He will never leave him or forsake him. The Hebrew word used for "leave" is rapah which means to "loosen one's grip." In other words, God will never slacken His hold on your life; only you can let go.

One of my favorite authors is A.W. Tozer. He is so raw and to the point that I can only take him in small doses. He wrote, “God will save a man, but He will not save a man and his idol.” (Ouch! I love truth Lord, but does the arrow have to be so sharp and aimed for my heart all the time?)

All I know is my own weaknesses and His faithfulness. When He tells me to “let go” I also know He gives me the ability to do it.

God knows better than we do what is really killing us and He loves us too much to let us go down with the ship. The next hardest thing may be to trust Him; that He is holding us tightly, that He won’t let us go. I only know I don’t want to be like Frodo: I don’t want the part of me that won’t let go severed.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Dreams

A few days ago, my friend Melanie who is the author of A Quiet Symphony (link at the bottom of this page) challenged me to write of my goals/dreams. Now I believe that goals are achievable but dreams are much higher.

Let me just mention a simple goal of mine: I want to remember peoples' names better. I do mind-twisters like Sudoku in order to sharpen whatever gray matter I have left (alas, braincells die and are not rejuvenated) but I have seen no improvement. What has been the result of my good intentions? I am now addicted to Sudoku without the benefit of an improved memory.

How about a dream of mine? Well, one of my dreams is to fly, but that would cost more than I am able to expend right now. I don't mean taking a commercial flight overseas because I've logged many hours doing that; I mean to pilot a small craft myself. I have a feeling that if that were achievable for me then I would aim higher because my ultimate dream would be astronomical--I want to see the earth from the moon.

I have a telescope but seeing the stars are not the same thing as being out there and for this space cadet...I want to be out there. One of my favorite links is NASA's picture of the day. Hubble has photographed things that have blown my mind (which, by the way, is not hard to do). I'm a person who has her head in the clouds: I'm always looking at the sky--which means I also trip a lot!

I couldn't put it better than this...

"The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display His craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make Him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth
and their words to all the world." Ps. 19:1-4 NLT

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers
the moon and the stars You set in place--
what are people that you should think about them,
mere mortals that you should care for them?"
Ps. 8:3,4 NLT

I have a suggestion for you if you ever feel small and insignificant: search the web for photos from Hubble and let their beauty sink deep into your soul and then realize that you are more important to God than all the galaxies in the universe. Jesus didn't die to redeem creation; He sacrificed His life for mankind, for you--for you are His masterpiece.

Friday, April 20, 2007

The West

(From Songs of the Shire vol. 1)

That mysterious longing is almost solved.
Dreams into realities themselves have dissolved.
The reality is as sweet as the dream.
The nightmare was long, you woke up with a scream.

Now the night has forever ended and you’re awake
yet it feels like a dream with sanity at stake.
The mist is clearing before your eyes.
You are on a ship heading for paradise.

Turn your head westward to setting sun.
Joy never ending has hardly begun.
Everything you loved about Middle-earth is here.
The darkness is gone, there is nothing to fear.

All the pain is swallowed up in love.
The ache has melted from rain above.
Your wounds are healed by tender touch.
Tears have vanished in laughter lush.

A bit of the Shire lives on in the West.
Wherever you are…you carry the best.
A Hobbit forever mixed in with the Elves.

This is where dreams and reality dwell.

Copyright 2004 by hrpeters

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Launch Out

A ship is built on land but is made for the sea--
Land is safe, solid; no fears of uncertainties.
The sea is untamable--no garauntees.

All my life I've been built on solid ground;
Now Your Spirit calls me into deep waters.
Part of me yearns for it and dreads it at the same time.

Is there anything as ridiculous as a ship that stays on land?
Shame me until I launch out and face the sea I was created for!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Out Of Fashion

I'd rather be real than trendy.
What you see is what you get.

So what if I'm out of fashion...
Who can keep up with the gurus anyway?

Dress the mannequin everyday--
Discontentment keeps a frenzied pace;

But there is a peace in honesty
That cannot be manufactured.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Race

I may not be first but I will finish.
I may not be swift but I will win the prize.
Oh grant me, my Father, the heart of a runner
Who will not give up though the way seem long!

We Are Shaped

We are shaped by what we love.
Our sight is formed by what we see.
Our heart is molded by what we hold on to.
Our imagination is baptized by where we linger.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


True beauty awakens in me
fragrance of immortality:
I see it in the face of a child,
hear it in a line of music,
or read it till it fills my soul.

All true beauty affects me in the same way:
it starts as an ache,
builds to a longing,
till it overflows into tears unrestrained.

It is not the rose I want
but something beyond it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We Read to Know We are Not Alone

I love that line from "Shadowlands." I had never thought of it in that way until I saw the I know it is the truth. The authors who have made the greatest impact on my life all died before I discovered their works yet their lives live on in me. That is my prayer for you today; that what you read from my heart will show that you are not alone...that you never were alone.


I’m like the Elves.

I love the night.

I love the stars.

I love the stillness of a forest.

The sound of water

is like music to me

And whenever I hear a seagull cry

I am wistful for the sea.

This poem is from the book "Songs of the Shire"

copyrighted 2004 by hrpeters


He breathed on the embers of Middle-earth;
Tolkien took up the pen to write.
The fire first found a home in him--
how his pen wrote the words of light!
Now the fire rages on in the children he's birthed.
May more be inflamed with love for Middle-earth!


Hikari means "light" in Japanese: it is my heart whether in verse, song, prose, poem or picture. I love the night and the stars shinning in the darkness.