Well, with a title like that I better deliver something. I want to settle one thing here and now before I proceed further…the “spirit of mischief” is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does it find its originality in me. I heard it from a minister once a few years ago. It struck a cord with me and I’ve use it occasionally in speech. Now deeply rigid, super religious people don’t like this phrase (maybe that’s why I use it) because there’s no room for fun in their dogma. I think quite differently on the subject; however, and believe God can be unorthodox at times.
Let me explain before I get excommunicated by some of you. I remember my BC days (that’s Before Christ and not BCE…before Common Era) when I was a very dull kind of person, hardly what one would call spontaneous or “spicy.” Everything was black, white and gray but when I became a Christian, color splashed on the scene and so did a sort of joyous, innocent “wildness.” I was intoxicated with happiness. Now at the time I did not know my condition had a name. I just thought I was going crazy. It would have saved me years of anguish if I had only known this was “the spirit of mischief" and not momentary insanity.
Why did I think so? Because I had been under such a dark cloud of depression since my father's sudden death. I was filled with rage, bitterness, despair and even suicidal thoughts--living was hell to me. When I finally cried "uncle" to God and stopped fighting and resisting Him, joy flooded my life. I have never returned to that previous state; that condition of sickness.
The domino of happiness knocked over joy, which knock over craziness, which led to spontaneous actions, (none of them hurtful to me or anyone else). This “condition” was not something that was a part of my nature before I became a Christian, so my logical conclusion was--God was responsible for it somehow.
I’ve read a few classics and scanned the saintly ones from ages past, but I’ve found little residue to this side of God’s nature. I have only uncovered one clue that has given me hope and it is from C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia where he mentions that Aslan is “NOT a tame lion.” That line has always intrigued me. Was that a hint Jesus was a little wild? Can’t be put in a box? Doesn’t play by our rules? Lewis does a masterful job of teasing, like scattering seed. Will people’s imagination cause it to germinate? Could it possibly mean God is fascinating? Can God be a little mischievous? I know He has a sense of humor because it mentions several times in Psalms that God “laughs” from heaven. Anytime I doubt that I just look at the hippopotamus or the platypus.
Personally, I don’t think God is boring at all. I don’t see Jesus as dull. I think He is “fascinating” (imagine it just like Spock would say with a raised eyebrow). These are not great, holy, religious thoughts at all…they are quite unconventional, but then I can blame God for this. Every time I get a little too happy and kooky, I tell God, “You did this to me!” And I’m so thankful He did. For anyone out there who has the same malady I do, be at peace…you are not alone.
The photograph I've chosen to go with this story is sick enough to reveal my sense of humor. If you are offended, please know that I did not put it on my blog for that purpose and you can always pray for me.
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Ps. 30:11,12 (New Living Translation)
PS. My dear friend Melanie (author of A Quiet Symphony blog) challenged me on who is my favorite Princess Bride character and I was torn in two. For a while the scales were tilting for the priest at the end of the movie who pronounced the wedding vows (that part just kills me!) As a minister, I've always wanted to recite someone's vows in that way but what couple could take that? I could just see some dear grandmother...a relation of the happy bride passing out in a dead faint. Finally after a struggle...miracle Max won out in the end and if you don't like my selection "why don't you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?"